Monday, June 4, 2007

SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION LESSONS AND TIPS the professional search engine submission company

We just release our new project - - the professional search engine submission company.

link to original page


This page has full of blog links that you can add your favicon and links.
It is pretty amazing to realize that you are not the only one to put your blog out there!
links to original page

cool design, neat layouts listed.

lists of web site that are pretty good.
Being international and surf!!!

link to original

Social Dynamics of Pair Programming

Interesting paper by Jan Chong and Tom Hurlbutt at Stanford University.

Here's the Abstract:
This paper presents data from a four month ethno-
graphic study of professional pair programmers from
two software development teams.

link to original blog

Great Podcast on Successful User Experience Design Practices | Smiley Cat Web Design

Great Podcast on Successful User Experience Design Practices | Smiley Cat Web Design

Smiley cat has a cool entry on this podcast

I've just finished listening to the podcast of Jared Spool's keynote speech at the User Interface 11 Conference — User Experience in a High-Speed Development Environment — and it is well worth a listen.


Welcome to Songyoun's Web Design Blog

If you know any good web sites and cool images, please recommend them